Abstract: Introduction Unsheltered homeless (USH) individuals' main mode of transportation is by foot and any trauma, injury, or disease affecting the
Poster 25 – Demonstrating Integrated SDoH Impact in Behavioral Health
Living environment is a proven social determinant of health and a key factor in substance use recovery. Recovery housing is often recommended for
Poster 26 – A Stepped-Care Approach to Externalized Behavior Disorders: Increasing Access to Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Through Integrated Behavioral Health Care
A large primary care clinic completed two years implementing a four-tiered primary care treatment program for children with difficult behaviors. A
Poster 41 – Review of Integrated Behavioral Health Services in a Women’s Healthcare Setting
This poster presents data on the utilization and perspectives of integrated behavioral health services by medical providers within a women’s
Poster 42 – Now What? Practical Pathways from Red Flags to Mental Health Treatment for Pediatric Providers
As of 2016, about 16.5% of school-aged children in the US had been diagnosed with a mental health disorder. Non-Hispanic white children are more
Poster 44 – Weight Management in Primary Care: Development of a Data Driven Clinical Pathway
This project is a quality improvement activity that seeks to Review Electronic Medical Records (EMR) at a medium sized urban family medicine residency
Poster 45 – Huddle Tips: Prioritizing Wellbeing Throughout the Workday
At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, IBH providers at CentraCare worked to find ways to support our teams, including by finding ways to support
Poster 81 – Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training for Professionals Serving the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indian and Rural Western NC: MSW Student/BHWET Scholar Transition to Employed Practice
Since 2014, Western Carolina University Department of Social Work has received a HRSA Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) for
PS1 – Supporting The Workforce By Building Regional Communities
It feels monumental doesn't it? To build a workforce that is trained to work in teams, integrating the physical and behavioral seamlessly? While it is
PS2 – Building the BioPsychoSocial Workforce for Equity, Diversity, and Better Patient Care
So we have a healthcare marketplace that is increasingly seeing the wisdom of integrated care delivery but is academic training keeping pace with the
PS3 – The Integrated Care Podcast, Live! Policy And The Integrated Workforce Challenge
If you love our podcast you will love this unique session. Our podcast team, along with special guests, will do a live recording of the podcast
PS4 – Community Conversation: How Do We Make Healthcare Work Sustainable?
We will end the conference with a special community event focused on helping us leave the conference with an eye towards wellness and sustainability.
J04 – Integrated Mental Health Dashboard: Tracking Program Outcomes and Management in Real Time
Background Integrated healthcare delivery with a patient-centered focus can lead to excellent patient outcomes. However, the management of such a
J05 – Suicide Prevention Training: Leveraging technology for efficient use of training resources within a large health system
The U.S. National Strategy for Suicide Prevention calls for communities to identify supportive structures that encourage efficient and sustainable
J06 – Implementing Integrated School Based Health in a Non-Profit Rural Setting
In October, 2019, Community Health of Central Washington (CHCW) embarked on a health care journey to improve access to medical and behavioral health
J07 – Evolve & Overcome: A Federally Qualified Health Centers Approach to Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic in West Virginia Through a Three Part Strategy
The COVID-19 pandemic forced Cabin Creek Health Systems (CCHS) to evaluate practice delivery models, and create new models of care to serve rural
J08 – Interprofessional Simulation Training in Substance Use & SBIRT: Debriefing Outcomes and Lessons Learned
Background and Significance Utilizing simulation in health professions training has been connected to multiple training benefits. Yet, there is a
K01 – Tackling the issue of ADHD referrals in Primary Care (in Adults)
With the popularity of short video clips showing the "real" ADHD, it has easily become one of the top social media crazes. The downstream effect is