Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO) are deep dives into specific content areas – kind of like mini-conferences held right before our big one. We are offering 7 ELOs this year that will take place before the annual conference with really competitive pricing. Each ELO is $49 for trainees and $99 for professionals. Contact Jackie Hahn at jhahn@cfha.net for more information.

Collaborative Care Model Bootcamp
The Collaborative Care Model Bootcamp will cover the basic components for implementation to fidelity. This will include the required team members and their roles, the fundamentals of measurement-based treatment to target, brief psychotherapeutic interventions, registry management, and the psychiatric consultant’s weekly caseload review. Combined and implemented to fidelity, the primary care-based team will be poised to bill the CPT codes for the model and bring effective behavioral health care to a larger population in need of care for specific diagnoses. The ELO will be taught by representatives of the core members of the CoCM team: a primary care provider (Jenn Thomas MD), a behavioral care manager (Monica Harrison LCSW), and a psychiatric consultant (Lori Raney MD). The audience will have an opportunity for role plays and the experience of the registry review process. Ample time will be provided for questions and discussion. This ELO is a good compliment to the Advanced CoCM course that will be provided too.
Upon completion of this activity, learners will be able to:
- List the core team members and describe their roles in the collaborative care model
- Define the validated measurement tools used most frequently in providing collaborative care and their cut-off points for effectiveness
- Discuss the core data points in the registry that prompt treatment intervention and adjustment of care
- Lori Raney MD Collaborative Care Consulting Dolores, CO
- Monica Harrison LCSW Hartford Health Care Hartford, Connecticut
- Jenn Thomas MD Integrated Care Lead Morrison Hospital Gardner, IL

Advanced Skills for Collaborative Care Clinicians
This session is an interactive dive into advanced skills for Collaborative Care clinicians, including primary care providers, behavioral health clinicians, and psychiatric consultants as well as implementation leaders. The session will be activity based. Activities include creating an elevator pitch to effectively introduce Collaborative Care and your role to patients and colleagues; effective systematic caseload review skills; and diagnosing and overcoming clinical and implementation challenges. Participants will be encouraged to bring their own challenges and questions for discussion and problem-solving as a group.
- Describe CoCM, the clinician team roles, and the principles underlying the model’s effectiveness
- Communicate effectively with patients and colleagues about CoCM and their role.
- Discuss the key elements of effective systematic caseload review, common challenges, and solutions.
- Identify, diagnose, and implement interventions for clinical and implementation challenges.
- Jessica Whitfield, MD, MPH
- Annie McGuire, MS, LMHC, MHA

New Psychotherapeutic Techniques for Chronic Pain: An Advanced Course
Recent controlled trials have documented relief of chronic pain (not merely improved coping) from two new forms of psychotherapy that focus on trauma, stressful personality traits, unrecognized negative emotions, psychosocial triggers and limitations in self-care skills. The techniques lend themselves to an integrated primary care environment as well as to patients with medically unexplained non-pain symptoms or chronic functional syndromes such as irritable bowel and fibromyalgia. The program will enable attendees to use these concepts in clinical practice and then further develop their expertise from interacting with future patients.
Upon completion of this activity, learners will be able to:
- Recognize which forms of pain/illness can respond to the new psychotherapies
- Be able to use the techniques of Pain Reprocessing Therapy for these patients
- Be able to use the techniques of Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy for these patients
David D. Clarke MD

Putting the Surgeon General’s Pediatric Mental Health Crisis Advisory into Action: Practical Approaches, Tools, and Technical Assistance
Empirical evidence supports the gut feeling that many pediatric providers are noticing – we are experiencing a pediatric mental health crisis. Join the CFHA Pediatric SIG for an engaging and experiential ELO as we boldly chart a course forward. Through didactic, reflective, and small group work, you will learn practical tools and build a personal action plan for implementing the recommendations from the 2021 Surgeon General’s advisory on the youth mental health crisis in your own practice. Leaders in pediatric integrated care will help you build-in strategies to balance implementation of your plan with the collective burnout providers are experiencing.
Upon completion of this activity, learners will be able to:
- Summarize key guidance for healthcare workers from the 2021 Surgeon General’s report on the pediatric mental health crisis.
- In a small group format, access technical assistance from leaders in pediatric integrated care to generate creative and practical solutions to implementing the recommendations from the Surgeon’s General’s report.
- Develop a personal action plan to address the pediatric mental health crisis in the participant’s own setting that also shields against burnout.
- Matthew Tolliver, PhD
- Cody Hostutler, PhD
- Michelle Swanger-Gagne, PhD
- Allison Allmon Dixson, PhD
- Maria J. Arrojo, M.A., CGAS, LMFT, LMHC
- Jessica Renee Sevecke-Hanrahan, PhD
- Rachel A. Petts, PhD
- Maribeth Wicoff, PhD
- Jodi Gage, MD

Part 1: Thursday, October 6th, 2022 from 12:00-4:30 PM EDT | Virtual via Zoom
Part 2: Thursday, October 13th, 2022 from 7-11 AM MST | In-Person at Conference
Description: For a fourth consecutive year, this professional gathering focused on the PCBH model of integrated care will feature national experts, top-tier researchers and proven on-the-ground clinicians discussing the toughest and most interesting aspects of PCBH work. We will hear about current challenges in primary care, learn about the latest PCBH research, receive practical expert clinical and implementation advice, get up to speed on PCBH implementation in other countries, and so much more. It is open to all levels of experience with PCBH. Join us!

This is a virtual event.
Part 1: Tuesday, September 27 from 12:00-4:30 PM EDT | Virtual
Part 2: Thursday, September 29 from 12:00-4:30 PM EDT | Virtual
Description: This one-of-a-kind event brings together as presenters, for a second consecutive year, the individuals whose early writings led to the development of what is now known as the Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) model of integration. Attendees with any level of PCBH experience will find much of interest in this intensive 8-hour training in both the theory and the nuts and bolts of working in the PCBH model. Continuing Education credits will be awarded.
- Anne Dobmeyer
- Chris Hunter
- Jeff Reiter
- Patricia Robinson
- Neftali Serrano
- Kirk Strosahl

“Next Level” Methods for Integrated Care Research: Innovations from Implementation Science
Evaluating evidence-based interventions in the complex and dynamic real-world of health care presents significant challenges. In this advanced research workshop, participants will learn how the latest methods from implementation science can help them design more sophisticated and exacting studies in health care settings. Dr. JD Smith, a national expert in implementation science and Associate Editor for Families, Systems, & Health, will present three key innovative tools/methods to improve the rigor of research by specifying mechanisms of change, tracking implementation strategies, and engaging stakeholders. The format will include presentation of tools with examples and opportunities to workshop ideas and ask questions.
Upon completion of this activity, learners will be able to:
- Use the Implementation Research Logic Model to plan an implementation study.
- Effectively track the necessary strategy details and modifications to understand the process and impact of an implementation effort.
- Engage diverse stakeholders in a rigorous process for selecting implementation strategies.
- J.D. Smith
- Jodi Polaha
- Robyn L. Shepardson
- Jennifer S. Funderburk