It feels monumental doesn't it? To build a workforce that is trained to work in teams, integrating the physical and behavioral seamlessly? While it is
PS2 – Building the BioPsychoSocial Workforce for Equity, Diversity, and Better Patient Care
So we have a healthcare marketplace that is increasingly seeing the wisdom of integrated care delivery but is academic training keeping pace with the
PS3 – The Integrated Care Podcast, Live! Policy And The Integrated Workforce Challenge
If you love our podcast you will love this unique session. Our podcast team, along with special guests, will do a live recording of the podcast
PS4 – Community Conversation: How Do We Make Healthcare Work Sustainable?
We will end the conference with a special community event focused on helping us leave the conference with an eye towards wellness and sustainability.
PS1 – Striving Toward Anti-Racism: Moving from the Individual to the Institutional
As we grapple with the syndemic of the combined pandemics of systemic racism and COVID-19, many of us feel compelled to join the global call for
PS2 – CFHA Community Panel: COVID-BLM Panel Revised and Revisited
This reprise from our 2020 conference will feature the same panelists plus new CFHA President, Colleen Cordes, engage in a discussion of the road we
PS3 – Lived Experience Plenary
Tyler Simmonds speaks openly about his lived experiences with depression and anxiety - Rather that be through public speaking, or his award-winning
PS4 – Cultivating The Next Generation of Physician Champions For Integrated Care
Physicians and other medical professionals are crucial to the future of team-based, integrated care. How do we train and cultivate champions for
PS2 – Using Nudges to Improve the Delivery of Health Care
Medical decision-making is often suboptimal. Sometimes we conduct unnecessary tests and treatments and in other cases we fail to follow evidence-based
PS4 – Health Policy After the Election and Covid-19
Instead of debating ACA+ vs. Repeal and Replace 3.0, Covid-19 and our nation’s varied responses to it have altered many landscapes, some permanently.
PS3 – Our American Dilemma: Placing an Equity Lens on the Struggle for Diversity and Inclusion
With the backdrop of the protests over police brutality against minorities in 2020, and in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic which unveiled marked
PS1 – Our Community at the Intersection of COVID19 and Black Lives Matter: Reflections on 2020 and Where We Go Next
This visually inspired panel session begins with 7 minute reflections, using pictures and data, to reflect on where we have been as a community of