The experience of COVID-19 has no precedents. The pandemic has pushed service providers to innovate and use creativity to cover community needs. The
H03 – Multiplex ADHD Families in Pediatric Primary Care: Considerations for Screening African American Parents and Children
Multiplex ADHD families, where both a parent and a child have ADHD, are a common occurrence. Up to 50% of children with ADHD have one parent who also
M04 – How Clinicians Can Design Program Evaluations of Group Interventions (Telehealth & In person) in Integrated Care
Clinicians and administrators are often interested in implementing new interventions in integrated care settings to increase access to effective
K05 – Implementation of Primary Care Behavioral Health Model through Telemedicine at Jefferson Health: Lessons Learned, Areas for Growth
The U.S. healthcare system has experienced a paradigm shift in the way it delivers care since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Its
G03 – Supporting Gender Diverse Youth in Rural Primary Care
Transgender and gender non-conforming teens face numerous barriers to healthcare even in large suburban areas. These barriers only increase for teens
M05 – Primary Care Behavioral Health Services for Indigenous Communities
American Indians and Alaska Natives born today are expected to die 5.5 years earlier than the United States all races population (73.0 years to 78.5
A06 – Wait, you Actually Like Your EHR? A PCBH and Contextual EHR Template Story
While the advent of the Electronic Health Record prompted hope and excitement for the possibility of data collection, seamless communication and
DG101 – Strategies and Tools to Integrate Patient Values into Primary Care Behavioral Health Practice
Chronic diseases are costly to individuals, as they confer high risk for morbidity and mortality, and to the healthcare system, as those with chronic
L03 – Working with Child-Adolescent Populations – Creation of a Training Manual for Pediatric and Family Medicine Integrated Behavioral Health Providers in Primary Care
There are 74 million children and adolescents under the age of 18 in the U.S., comprising 24% of the overall population (Census, 2019). Estimates are
J06 – Developing a System Change Breakthrough Series Collaborative for PCBH in Pediatric Underserved Populations
For a decade, Mental Health America of Greater Houston (MHAGH) has promoted integrated health care (IHC), leading learning communities, providing
A01 – Don’t Just Talk About It, BE about it!: Action Steps to Address Health Inequities in Primary Care Behavioral Health
The pandemics of racism and COVID-19 continue to disproportionately impact Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and to further reinforce
G08 – Are We Just Paying “Lip Service” to the “Behavioral” in Primary Care Behavioral Health? Assessing Referral Reasons in a PCBH Service
The Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) model emphasizes that behavioral health consultants (BHCs) are to be generalists and address any
K06 – Schools, Medicine, and Families: Bridging the Gap
Children spend the majority of their time in school where academic and many behavioral health needs are addressed. For example, many schools utilize
B09 – Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain: Guidance for Successful Implementation in Primary Care Behavioral Health
Chronic pain is a highly common yet debilitating condition that significantly impacts daily functioning and quality of life of primary care patients.
C04 – Brief Transdiagnostic Modular CBT Intervention for Anxiety in Primary Care: Effectiveness and Implementation Results from a Pilot Hybrid I Randomized Controlled Trial
Anxiety is prevalent, but undertreated, among primary care patients. We developed Modular Anxiety Skills Training (MAST), an evidence-based,
E06 – One Size Does Not Fit All: An Expert Panel Discussion of Differences in IBH Implementation Across Varying Size & Types of Medical Settings
This presentation will take the form of a moderated panel discussion, bringing together leaders from some of the most established IBH programs across
C03 – The Waco Guide to Psychopharmacology in Primary Care
The Waco Family Medicine Residency Program, in consultation with faculty of the Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Academy, has created The
H09 – Addressing Dual Pandemics: Increasing Provider Awareness of the Intersectionality Between Racism and Chronic Disease
The Covid-19 pandemic hit and soon thereafter the death of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery occurred. Racism is not a new phenomenon,