- Luke Mitzel, PhD, MIRECC Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Integrated Healthcare, Syracuse VA
- Emily Johnson, PhD, Clinical Research Psychologist, Center for Integrated Healthcare, Syracuse VA
Chronic diseases are costly to individuals, as they confer high risk for morbidity and mortality, and to the healthcare system, as those with chronic diseases account for 90% of the United States’ annual $3.8 trillion in healthcare expenditures. Effective self-management is key to chronic disease prevention and management; sustained behavioral changes by patients are required to reduce the significant impact of chronic disease on both an individual level and population level. Integrated behavioral health providers (BHPs) can help prevent and manage chronic disease by engaging patients in their healthcare and empowering patients to make healthy life changes. One powerful way to engage and empower patients is to center healthcare on patients’ values and goals. However, this can be difficult in the context of brief, problem-focused appointments in primary care. Therefore, this presentation seeks to increase BHPs’ knowledge and skills regarding integrating patient values and goals into Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) practice, especially during the assessment and treatment planning phases of care. Didactics will orient BHPs to the empirical literature on patient engagement, including personalized care planning and shared decision making. Interactive discussions, case vignettes, and examples of tools regarding patient values and goals will be used to elicit and provide practical recommendations for BHPs to incorporate into their existing session format in PCBH practice.
- Identify key takeaways from the empirical literature on patient engagement.
- Communicate why integrating patient values into brief PCBH sessions is important.
- Identify strategies and tools for integrating patient values into brief PCBH sessions.