Introduction: Addressing wellbeing needs among learners, faculty, and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge for many clinical and academic
DG201 – From professional musicians to certified music therapists: A musical spectrum of accessible healing tools across the healthcare to community mental health and wellness continuum
The myriad benefits of music have been well-documented across the lifespan from birth to end of life care, encompassing positive effects on child
DG102 – Building Empathy to Enhance Medical Students’ Patient Perspective Taking: Considerations for Healthcare Inequities and COVID-19
Experiential or simulated teaching of patient health conditions and associated treatments is becoming an increasingly utilized method of instruction
DG101 – Strategies and Tools to Integrate Patient Values into Primary Care Behavioral Health Practice
Chronic diseases are costly to individuals, as they confer high risk for morbidity and mortality, and to the healthcare system, as those with chronic