1. Resident burnout: What is it and why should we care? An introduction to burnout amongst physician residents and how the pandemic has impacted
G08 – Are We Just Paying “Lip Service” to the “Behavioral” in Primary Care Behavioral Health? Assessing Referral Reasons in a PCBH Service
The Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) model emphasizes that behavioral health consultants (BHCs) are to be generalists and address any
B02 – Advancing Mental Health Equity for Under-Resourced Immigrants Through Culturally Responsive Collaborative Care During COVID-19: Applications of Telehealth and Interdisciplinary Fireside Chats
The UC San Diego student-run free clinics (SRFCs) are interdisciplinary partnerships that offer medical and behavioral health services at no cost to
D01 – Unseen and Unscreened: The Epidemic of Interpersonal Violence Amongst People Of Color Living With HIV
Interpersonal Violence (IPV) is an epidemic in our country that impacts approximately a third of women and a tenth of men during their lifetime.
B03 – How are the Children and Families Doing? – A Systemic Approach to Recognizing and Responding to ACES in Early Childhood.
A focus on ACES in healthcare requires a multi-faceted approach that includes: awareness and education, training, screening, support, treatment, and
E01 – Inequity of Care: The Impact of Systemic Racism on Black Americans Seeking Opioid Treatment
The United States department of Health and Human Services declared the opioid epidemic a public health emergency in 2017. Since that time significant
M02 – Trauma Informed Primary Care Training in Graduate Medical Education: The Pearls and the Pitfalls
Background: Trauma-informed primary care (TIPC) realizes the impact of trauma, recognizes the signs and symptoms of trauma, and responds in a manner
D02 – Family-Centered Primary Care as an Opportunity to Promote Equitable Health Care Among Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment
Cognitive impairment (e.g., dementia) in older adults can be a difficult condition for patients, families, and their medical providers to address. The
C05 – Integrated Care for Patients with Precarious or no Housing
The audience will learn how to apply standard integrated care practices to the precariously housed population. This will include how to adapt the
L04 – Medical Provider Leadership and Integrated Care: A Three World View
Although expected to be leaders in their practices, many medical providers have not received formal training and guidance on how to lead a
C01 – The Use of Emerging Technological Platforms in Combating Racial Health Disparities in Primary Care
Many racial and ethnically diverse communities have higher mortality rates from chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease
M08 – High-Touch Telemedicine: Virtual Patient-Centered Team-Based Care
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the almost universal adoption of telemedicine technology to allow doctors, behavioral health clinicians, and other
H06 – Approaches to Integrate Mental Health Services in Primary Care: A Scoping Review of System-level Barriers and Enablers to implementation
Despite the growing prevalence of mental illness, the integration of mental health services in primary care has been a persistent challenge in Canada.
F04 – Can you Refresh my Memory? Addressing Mild Cognitive Impairment in Primary Care Across the Lifespan
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is an issue that arises in primary care often and presents an increased risk of cognitive decline. Approximately 13%
H09 – Addressing Dual Pandemics: Increasing Provider Awareness of the Intersectionality Between Racism and Chronic Disease
The Covid-19 pandemic hit and soon thereafter the death of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery occurred. Racism is not a new phenomenon,
E02 – Bringing Families & Context to Primary Care
Background: Family-centered care maintains mutually beneficial partnerships between healthcare providers, patients, and patients' families in
A02 – Creative Funding Strategies for Family-Based Models of Care: Payer and Provider Perspectives
Clinicians and payers alike have historically struggled to extend beyond patient-centered care to engage family members in ways that are meaningful,
D04 – Developing EHR-based Algorithms to Detect Suicide Risk in an Alaska Native Healthcare Organization
Background: The suicide rate among Alaska Native and American Indian people in Alaska is twice the overall state rate and three times the national