Interpersonal Violence (IPV) is an epidemic in our country that impacts approximately a third of women and a tenth of men during their lifetime.
I06 – Why Should I Trust You? Meeting the Challenges of Health Equity and Patient-Centered Care
This experiential workshop will explore the role of trust as a foundation of successful practitioner--patient communication and collaboration. The
J10 – It Takes a Village: Keys to Pain Management Success in a Diverse Hawaiian Community
This presentation will describe an innovative pain management program in Hawaii where there are vast health inequities, tremendous cultural diversity,
K08 – Advancing Health Equity through Project ECHO: Strategies for Breaking Down Silos
Diversity, equity, and engagement. Organizations use these words as they strive to become more diverse, yet many leaders are uncertain about the steps
G09 – Caring for Our Community: OUD/SUD Readiness & Response in the Time of Need
Most people with opioid use disorder (OUD) do not get treatment. People who suffer from OUD and other substance use disorders (SUD) are vital in our
G01 – Social Justice Advocacy in Rural and Other Small Communities: The Role of the Behavioral Health Provider
The presentation will address the theme of the conference by helping behavioral health and other practitioners understand the various approaches to
C03 – The Waco Guide to Psychopharmacology in Primary Care
The Waco Family Medicine Residency Program, in consultation with faculty of the Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Academy, has created The