Electronic health records (EHRs) have been touted as a key facilitator of improved patient care and outcomes. EHRs can help patients receive optimal
J01 – Lessons Learned when Using Social Determinants of Health Data
Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) are estimated to account for up to 60-70% of health outcomes, but SDOH data is often not included in health
A06 – Wait, you Actually Like Your EHR? A PCBH and Contextual EHR Template Story
While the advent of the Electronic Health Record prompted hope and excitement for the possibility of data collection, seamless communication and
Reducing Emergency Department Utilization and Improving Health Among Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare Clients with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness
Individuals with severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI) suffer a disproportionate burden of morbidity and pre-mature mortality. In an effort to
EHR Cluster Analysis: Maximizing Patient Care
This presentation will expose attendees to a machine learning tool and analytical approach for the purpose of identifying patient subgroups within a