Mental health disorders are diagnosed at a rate of 1 in every 4 adults in the United States (Mental Health Disorder Statistics, 2020). Emerging
E03 – Do you know your history? How Racism Shaped Medicine and Behavioral Health
Health equity and health disparities are buzz words these days, and you may have a good understanding that BIPOC patients and providers struggle with
D03 – Maintaining the Joy in our Work – Writing Our Way to Wellness
The use of written narratives has been shown to increase resiliency, prevent the loss of empathy, increase cultural sensitivity, and highlight
B04 – Lead the Process, Not the People: The Collaborative-Feminist Leadership Model in Integrated Behavioral Health
The last two years our frontline workers have endured burnout, moral injury, and compassion fatigue due to the pandemic, which leads to an increased
A03 – Modifying the One-Minute Preceptor Method in Combating Ethno-Racial Health Disparities in a Family Medicine Residency Clinic
This quality improvement (QI) project focused on improving faculty confidence in discussing ethno-racial health disparities with their learners during
Webcast 02 – Examining Organ Donation and Transplantation in Canada through the First Nations and Métis ODT Network
Background/Rationale: Indigenous peoples carry a heavier burden of chronic disease and associated risk factors than other populations in Canada, with
F07 – Evidence-Informed Rapid Resource Development and Research in Response to a Global Crisis: The COVID-19 Readiness Resource Project
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the essential role of first responders, other public safety personnel (PSP), frontline healthcare
I08 – COVID Stress Group: The Culturally Relevant Development and Implementation of Mental Health Services via Telehealth in Response to Increased Needs and Limited Accessibility during a Global Pandemic
Racial and ethnic minority groups experience higher prevalence rates of mental health disorders, with greater disparities in social determinants of
I10 – First Nations Mental Wellness Learning Continuum Framework
Developed in partnership with First Nations, the First Nations Mental Wellness Continuum Framework (the Framework) presents a shared vision for the
B01 – “Where the Racism Resides:” The Effects of Racism on BIPOC Healthcare Providers & Strategies to Actively Address It
From the death of Dr. Susan Moore to the firing of Drs. Aysha Khoury and Princess Dennar to the departure of Drs. Uchi Blackstock and Ben Danelson
F10 – Community Crisis Response for Prevention, Response, and Recovery – First Nations Service Delivery Model, Thunderbird Partnership Foundation
The intent of the Community Crisis Planning, Prevention, Response, and Recovery First Nations Service Delivery Model is to provide a reference guide
H07 – Land for Healing
Land-based programming includes a wide variety of formally organized activities taking place on the land such as trapping, fishing, and hunting,
M05 – Primary Care Behavioral Health Services for Indigenous Communities
American Indians and Alaska Natives born today are expected to die 5.5 years earlier than the United States all races population (73.0 years to 78.5
A01 – Don’t Just Talk About It, BE about it!: Action Steps to Address Health Inequities in Primary Care Behavioral Health
The pandemics of racism and COVID-19 continue to disproportionately impact Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and to further reinforce
K08 – Advancing Health Equity through Project ECHO: Strategies for Breaking Down Silos
Diversity, equity, and engagement. Organizations use these words as they strive to become more diverse, yet many leaders are uncertain about the steps
C01 – The Use of Emerging Technological Platforms in Combating Racial Health Disparities in Primary Care
Many racial and ethnically diverse communities have higher mortality rates from chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease
H09 – Addressing Dual Pandemics: Increasing Provider Awareness of the Intersectionality Between Racism and Chronic Disease
The Covid-19 pandemic hit and soon thereafter the death of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery occurred. Racism is not a new phenomenon,