- Mark Williams, MD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
- Jon Marrelli, PsyD, Program Manager, Behavioral Health and Primary Care Integration, Family HealthCenters at NYU Langone-Sunset Terrace , Brooklyn, NY
- Lori Raney, MD, Principal, Health Management Associates, Denver, CO
- Adrian Sandoval, PharmD, Assistant Professor and Chief of the Division of Research for Family Medicine, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine, Edinburg, TX
Integration of behavioral health services into primary care requires adaptations of traditional practice patterns to the challenges and opportunities present in this new setting. Psychiatric services are severely limited in the US such that patients developing significant mental health problems are often either on long waiting lists or are receiving treatment from primary providers who may have limited training or experience with these issues. Psychiatrists have explored direct and indirect ways to leverage their training and expertise to bring evidence-based care to larger populations. In this presentation you will hear from four psychiatrists about some of the evidence-based models of care in play in different settings. Examples of ways psychiatric services link effectively with a behavioral health team in primary care will be provided.
Workshop Downloads
- Describe 3 ways to leverage psychiatric expertise in the primary care setting
- Understand the role of measurement and stepped care in improving patient outcomes
- Describe ways to employ psychiatric providers to raise capacity of the primary care team
- Fortney, Unutzer et al: The Tipping Point for MBC in Behavioral Health; Psych Services 2016.
- Raney, Lasky, Scott: Integrated Care: A Guide for Effective Implementation: Role of the Psychiatric Consultant. 2017.
- Katzelnick DJ, Williams MD: Large-Scale Dissemination of Collaborative Care and Implications for Psychiatry. Psychiatric services 2015, 66(9):904-906
- Carlo AD, Unutzer J, Ratzliff ADH, Cerimele JM, Financing for Collaborative Care - A Narrative Review. Curr Treat Options Psychiatry. 2018.
- Kroenke, K, Unutzer, J: Closing the False Divide: Sustainable Approaches to Integrating Mental Health Services Into Primary Care. JGIM 2017.