- Emma Gilchrist, MPH, Deputy Director, Eugene S. Farley Jr. Health Policy Center, Aurora, CO
- Shale Wong, MD, MSPH, Executive Director, Eugene S. Farley, Jr Health Policy Center, Aurora, CO
Too often, completed research that has important implications for policy does not make it into the hands of the right audience or is not packaged in a way that is accessible for policy decision-makers. Researchers need tools and strategies to design policy-relevant research and to translate their results for decision-makers to advance timely, evidence-based policy at various levels. Participants will learn how to define the policy question or problem pertinent to their research; identify relevant stakeholders and decision-makers; develop strategic framing and products for their audience(s), and plan for dissemination. Tools will be introduced to help clinicians and researchers translate their work to drive timely and actionable policy change within practices and organizations and at the local, state, and federal levels.
- Plan for policy impact and dissemination from the beginning of a research study.
- Understand how to conduct a policy mapping exercise.
- Translate their research findings for policy audiences.