- Tyler Lawrence, PhD, Behavioral Health Faculty, Sea Mar Marysville Family Medicine Residency, Marysville, WA
- Matt Martin, PhD, Clinical Assistant Professor of Behavioral Health, Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ
- Jennifer Caspari PhD, Assistant Professor and Director of Behavioral Medicine, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
- Rae Witt, MD, Assistant Professor, General Internal Medicine, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
The integration of behavioral health providers (BHPs) in general hospital settings is potentially advantageous because hospitalized patients can have complex care needs and have high rates of psychosocial problems. However, there is a paucity of literature on the topic, including best practices for integrating BHPs and outcomes generated by inpatient BHP treatment. We will describe findings from our scoping review of the literature on BHPs in general hospital settings. Attendees will learn about the results of the scoping review including common collaborative practices and communication strategies. Presenters will describe multiple facilitators and barriers to BHP integration and will discuss the wide varieties of problems treated by BHPs and their extensive array of treatment modalities. The lack of outcome data and patient and providers perspectives reported in the literature will also be highlighted along with ideas about strategies to fill this gap. Using extant literature, presenters will highlight factors that may guide BHPs practicing or interested in practicing in general hospital settings. Hospitalized patients frequently have very complex biopsychosocial-spiritual needs. Thus, the focus of this presentation is directly in line with the conference theme. Presentation content will be applicable to a wide audience; especially providers and administrative professionals whose roles have or will include work in the hospital setting.
- Describe the importance of integrating behavioral health providers into general hospital settings.
- List the barriers and promoters to integrating behavioral health providers into general hospital settings.
- Evaluate patient and medical provider outcomes from behavioral health integration within general hospitals.