Medication assisted treatment (also known as medication assisted recovery or MAT) for opioid use disorder (OUD) is an excellent example of a treatment plan that can involve bidirectional warm handoffs between medical providers and integrated behavior health (IBH) providers. In practices that have integrated MAT services within primary care, medical primary care providers (PCPs) can prescribe buprenorphine for their patients with OUD and potentially involve an IBH provider to help solidify the treatment plan, either through a warm handoff or a formal referral. In our practice, our IBH provider routinely screens for substance use disorder at initial intakes. If a client screens positive, it may be appropriate for the IBH provider to initiate a warm handoff with the medical provider to consider MAT treatment with buprenorphine. This workshop will introduce the concept of bidirectional handoffs/referrals, and attendees will have an opportunity to practice these handoffs in real-time using a standardized patient model. We will then have an opportunity to debrief how the experiences went, and discuss lessons learned. Basic Outline: 1. Introduction of MAT and discussion of methods of incorporating medical and behavioral health components (10 minutes) 2. Live simulation of bidirectional handoffs using our providers and standardized patient (20 minutes) 3. Breakout sessions where participants can practice the skills observed (15 minutes) 4. Debrief and discussion of lessons learned and any additional applications (15 minutes)
- Identify the key components of an integrated MAT program, including the different ways the patient/client interfaces with professionals on the care team.
- Recognize opportunities to utilize bidirectional warm handoffs between members of their interdisciplinary teams.
- Share best practices with their colleagues at home regarding the application of bidirectional warm handoffs based on real-time experience.