Use of a brief, broad BH stepped care screen facilitates efficient assessment in primary care. A broad initial (Step 1) screen may capture concerns not identified by unifocal diagnostic (Step 2) measures (e.g., depression or anxiety). We examined the feasibility and utility of a brief, multicomponent screening instrument (Adult Wellbeing Survey: AWS, Beacham, 2012) along with AWS item correlates with commonly used lengthier measures. AWS items in each domain were significantly correlated with longer more specific lengthier measures (r’s=0.28 to 0.85, All p’s< .01) commonly used in primary care. Average completion time of the AWS was 4.93 mins. In our representative sample of ppts who attend PCP appointments about once/year, the broad brush approach of the AWS effectively flagged symptoms and concerns via brief assessment while taking into account important symptoms which may be overlooked by unifocal measures. This brief measure may be useful in stepped approaches to BH screening.
- Describe a stepped approach to behavioral health screening
- Discuss relative advantages of a brief broad screen (Step 1) approach to behavioral health assessment as it pertains to diagnosis and treatment
- Apply the broad to narrow stepped approach to behavioral health screening in integrated care
- The Patient Centered Medical Home (Captured 2019)
- Robinson, P. & Reiter J. (2016). Behavioral Consultation and Primary Care: A Guide to Integrating Services 2nd ed. (2016) New York, Springer.
- Green, D., Schultz, J. & Beacham, A. (2018) Towards Convergent Validity of a Broad Behavioral Health Screener for Primary Care: The Adult Wellbeing Survey, Poster presentation 52nd annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Washington, DC
- Beacham, A.O. (2012). Using Brief Behavioral Health and Wellness Screeners in Primary Care to Enhance Patient Involvement. Grand Rounds Presentation at the Department of Family Medicine and Psychiatry, East Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA.
- Beacham, A.O., Brown-Levey, S. & Green, D. (2015). Utility of a broad and brief behavioral health screen in primary care. Unpublished manuscript.