Play an active part in the premier conference in integrated care by submitting a proposal to present at the CFHA Annual Conference! The call for proposals is open from February 1st to March 15th!

Resilience is built from adversity. From the pandemic to social unrest to economic downturn, patients, families, and providers are experiencing harrowing adversity. Now more than ever before, there is a desire for strategies to move from coping to thriving. Healthcare leaders are uniquely positioned to meet these ever-growing desires of patients, families, and the individuals who serve them by developing innovative systems and strategies that encompass a biopsychosocial-spiritual lens. Through this approach, families, communities, and future generations will be strengthened.
Building Resilience Through Innovation provides tangible solutions for interdisciplinary healthcare professionals in navigating innovative solutions today leading to a better tomorrow.
Generational Collaboration: Just as healthcare services are multigenerational, so are our interdisciplinary healthcare professionals. It is paramount for all healthcare professionals to embrace generational differences while engaging in future-forward, family-centered care across the lifespan. This approach to healthcare will better ensure health equity for all.
Technology, Research, Policy, & Funding: Interdisciplinary healthcare professionals are on the precipice of synergizing change. With advancements in technology, research, policy, and funding interdisciplinary healthcare professionals are equipped, more than ever, to enhance positive patient and family outcomes. Come network and learn from distinguished leaders in helming these timely enhancements within the integrated behavioral health spectrum.
In particular, we are seeking submissions that:
- Are tailored to the different professions and license types represented on the modern care team
- Are tailored to the different levels (beginner to expert) of the workforce
- Provide examples of efforts to scale the workforce
- Provide methods of sustainability efforts for the workforce
- Highlight the work of traditional health workers including, but not limited to, family advocates, doulas, community health workers, peer support specialists, recovery mentors, health coaches, peer wellness specialists, personal health navigators, promotores, etc.
- Teach strategies for collecting and using IBH data for research, program evaluation, and quality improvement projects
- Describe efforts to improve equity in rural and urban hard-to-reach populations
- Lift voices of underserved populations
- Lift voices of clinicians from non-majority population groups
Concurrent Education Sessions
The CFHA Conference offers more than 100 breakout sessions representing a diverse blend of topics about clinical, research, administrative, or education issues. Sessions are presented on Thursday thru Saturday during the conference, with 8-10 presentations offered simultaneously during each period. Presentations are 30 or 60 minutes in length.
When marketing the conference, CFHA will publish the title, abstract, objectives, and presenters. In addition, keywords will be used to index the presentations to allow attendees to search for presentations of interest.
CFHA is committed to quality programming that links content to evidence and /or those who strive to support the current evidence base or build upon it in rigorous program evaluation or research. CFHA strongly encourages presentations that include interdisciplinary collaboration and perspectives, including those of patients or families.
New for 2023: Introducing the slide-less presentation option! If you want to get creative with how you engage your audience, we are inviting presenters to consider going slide-less. Handouts and slide presentations can still be provided on the conference app for participants, but you do not have to feel compelled to structure your presentation around the slides. Get creative about how to engage your audience! If you do decide to go slide-less, just let us know.
Research and Evaluation Track
We are pleased to offer a unique series of presentations identified as the Special Sessions for Training in Research and Evaluation. These presentations are designed to provide technical training on planning and conducting rigorous research, quality improvement, and program evaluation in real-world health care settings. The primary focus of these presentations should be equipping attendees with practical knowledge and skills via “how to” lessons, rather than simply presenting study results. Data from studies/evaluations should be presented as a vehicle to illustrate and teach specific approaches to study design as well as data collection, analysis, and interpretation. Presentations must provide participants with a training experience that instructs them on the knowledge/methods/skills used to obtain any data presented and the ways the results can be applied to improve practice.
Poster Sessions
We also encourage those to consider submitting a poster presentation if they feel their topic is better suited for that format. Poster presentations allow authors to visually present their best ideas and/or latest research and evaluation findings in a way that facilitates dialogue and networking among colleagues. Poster presentations are highly valuable to our field and are thus increasing in number and rigor at the CFHA conference.
Click here for examples of the many different types of projects (e.g., clinical program, training curriculum, quality improvement, program evaluation, literature review) that can be presented via the poster format.
How to Submit a Proposal Online
CFHA’s online submission form has several elements with 11 sections that must be completed. Each section must be completed in its entirety to successfully submit your proposal.
The online form may not allow you to save and return to the form later. Please review the form carefully BEFORE entering data to ensure you have answers for all questions and thereby avoid system time-outs and duplicate entries.
The form will not transmit without a response for all required (*) fields.
Enter PLAIN TEXT content without symbols or formatting. Characters and symbols such as quotation marks and trademarks do not translate. We recommend that you edit and save your content in a “Plain Text” document, then copy and paste the unformatted text into our online submission fields. A Word template is available here.
If your form is transmitted successfully, you will see a “Thank You” page and you should print a copy of the submission for your records.
If your form does not transmit, scroll to the top of the form for a notification about incorrect data, missing responses in fields, etc.
If you have difficulty submitting, make sure your are staying within the character limits. When all else fails, contact CFHA staff for assistance.
Call for Proposal Word template
Call for Proposal PDF template